MSIC provides a platform to launch educational activities to improve intensive care services throughout the country. We have published clinical guidelines with regards to intensive care. We also provide sponsorships for our members to attend international conferences and award research grants to further the advancement of intensive care.
While many of our members are treating patients who are adults, we have a chapter within this society with members that treat children – that is the Paediatric Chapter of MSIC.
Intensive care doctors and nurses mainly work in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), caring for very sick patients using high-end medical equipment – this includes vital sign monitors, ECGs, syringe pumps, dialysis machines, ultrasound machines & mechanical ventilators. A lot of our work revolves around supporting and treating the patients’ vital organs – including the heart, lungs and kidneys. A portion of our sickest patients are sedated and on endotracheal tubes (intubated). We also reach out to patients’ families, to help explain what is going on with their loved ones and to get the family involved in the patients’ recovery process whenever possible. We also help to rehabilitate critically ill patients so that they may go back to functional society. Rehabilitation involves physical therapy, prevention of pressure sores, prevention of infection, family involvement in their care and adapting to life after critical illness.