Intensive Care in Malaysia
The highly exciting field of intensive and critical care medicine is considered one of the newer specialties in Malaysia. An interest in and acknowledgement of this field as an important part of the care of critically ill patients in Malaysia started in the 1990s and led to the creation of the Critical Care Medicine Section (CCMS) of the Malaysian Society of Anaesthesologists (MSA). Although officially formalised at the MSA Annual General Meeting in April 1994, it remained fairly dormant due to the inability to ignite interest and recruit members.
In 2002, Dr. Ng Siew Hian, a passionate anaesthesiologist with a vision for the future of intensive care, took up the mantle of leadership and embarked on a mission to revive CCMS. She spearheaded multiple ventures for the Section including the highly successful National Conferences on Intensive Care. In 2005, CCMS was renamed the Intensive Care Section (ICS) of the MSA. This was considered a natural progression since intensive care was then better established as a subspecialty. ICS continued to embark on educational events and training programmes.

As the specialty grew, there was a need for a dedicated and focused platform that would allow intensive care specialists to collaborate locally and internationally, exchange ideas and advance the field. Led by Dr Ng and a dedicated group of intensivists, the idea of having an Intensive Care Society was born.
The formation of a Pro-tem Committee in August 2008 marked a crucial step in the process of establishing the Malaysian Society of Intensive Care. Under the guidance of Dr. Ng Siew Hian as advisor and Dr. Tan Cheng Cheng as chairperson, the Pro-tem Committee defined the mission, vision and objectives of the Society.
The Malaysian Society of Intensive Care was formally established on 11th June 2009. Over the last 15 years, the Society has continued to grow and thrive with affiliations to both regional and international intensive care societies.

MSIC Pro-tem committee
Sitting from left, front row: Dr. Jenny Tong, Dr. Shanthi Ratnam, Dr. Tai Li Ling, Dr. Shanti Rudra Deva, Dr. Tang Swee Fong, Dr. V. Kathiresan, Dr. Teh Keng Hwang
Standing from left, back row: Dr. Ng Siew Hian, Dr. Tan Cheng Cheng, Dr. Lim Chew Har, Dr. Mohd Ridhwan Mohd Nor