Intensive Care Nephrology
Beyond Basic
Intensive care nephrology, an important yet challenging part of intensive care, but made easier with the “Intensive Care Nephrology – Beyond Basic” (ICNBB) course.

Organised by MSIC in cooperation with the BASIC collaboration and European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, ICNBB remains one of the most sought-after courses among intensive care clinicians and is held annually.
Targeting advanced trainees and specialists in intensive care, lectures and skill stations with tutorials are held over 2 days, covering a range of topics pertaining to AKI and RRT in the ICU. The team of facilitators for ICNBB 2024 was made up of Dr. Gordon Choi, consultant intensivist from Chinese University of Hong Kong, and other intensivists from all over Malaysia, namely Dr. Mahazir Kassim, Dr. Foong Kit Weng, Dr. Ismail Tan, Dr. Koo Thomson, Dr. Nik Azman, Prof Dr. Nor’azim Mohd Yunos, Prof Dr. Rafidah Atan, Dr. Seethal Padmanathan and Dr. Tan Cheng Cheng.