Paediatric Chapter

Paediatric Intensive Care Medicine is a subspecialty dedicated exclusively to caring for critically ill children and is rapidly growing in Malaysia. The Paediatric Chapter of the Malaysian Society of Intensive Care (MSIC) provides a unique platform that promotes the delivery of the highest quality care to critically ill children in our country.

Our CoursesThe Committees

We believe that all contributions are essential in critical care

Through the Paediatric Chapter of MSIC, there are opportunities to exchange ideas and expertise, obtain grants for research projects, and network with MSIC members nationally and healthcare professionals internationally.

The Chapter committee members are:
Dr Chor Yek Kee
Assoc. Prof Dr Gan Chin
Vice President
Assoc Prof Dr Anis Siham Zainal Abidin
Dr Pon Kah Min
Dr Lee Siew Wah
Assistant Secretary
Dr Pravin a/l Sugunan @ Vasanthan
Committee members
Our mission
To establish a patient-centred, family-oriented PICU dedicated to enhancing the health of critically ill children through excellence in personalised medicine, academia, research, and advocacy.
Our objectives
To provide a high standard of intensive care for children, promoting compassionate and collaborative care involving multidisciplinary teams, family participation, and other agencies and developing and disseminating PICU clinical expertise, research collaborations, and networking opportunities.
Our core values
Our core values and strengths are truly multidisciplinary and multi-professional, with a focus on intensive care and monitoring for critically ill children and their families in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and paediatric high dependency care ward (PHDW).

Our Courses

Currently, we have 25 paediatric intensivists registered in the National Specialist Registry, and this number is continuing to increase. With the growing number and complexity of critically ill paediatric patients in the country, there is an urgent need for paediatric intensivists to come together, form a representative group, and standardise critical care clinical services to improve clinical outcomes through educational activities, including courses, workshops, conferences, research, and networking

Regular courses conducted

  1. Paediatric BASIC course for nurses
  2. Paediatric BASIC course for doctors
  3. PICU Masterclass: Mechanical Ventilation
  4. PICU Masterclass Renal Replacement Therapy (KL)
  5. Pain management in children
  6. Annual Scientific Meeting Intensive Care (ASMIC) (KL)

Upcoming Courses

16-17th July 2024
UNIMAS Samarahan Campus
Medicine and Health Sciences
Faculty, Clinical Simulation Centre

29-30th April 2024
Hospital Pulau Pinang
Skills Lab